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15 Reasons Why Needs to Switch to WordPress

February 25th, 2009 · 1 Comment · Social Media

Apparently a Ryan Air Web developer has claimed (in the comments here) that WordPress is a “crappy CMS.”

As Seth Meyers would say: “Oh, really?”

Let me present 15 data points that reinforce my assertion that the best thing Ryan Air could do is let 90% of their angry HTML jockeys go and just switch to WP.

Let’s compare to (the site of the insulted WordPress blogger.)

First of all, home page load times from

Now, how do these two compare when it comes to Wc3 validation? Let’s start with

Okay. No errors whatsoever there…

Now let’s try

Wow. not so good. What are the specific problems? Try these:

  1. Mismatch between Public and System identifiers in the DOCTYPE declaration
  2. Line 27, Column 174: NET-enabling start-tag requires SHORTTAG YES.
  3. Line 45, Column 76: there is no attribute “XTCLIB”.
  4. Line 61, Column 142: there is no attribute “XTCLIB”.
  5. Line 64, Column 22: document type does not allow element “STYLE” here.
  6. Line 80, Column 53: required attribute “ALT” not specified.
  7. Line 155, Column 102: there is no attribute “NORESIZE”.
  8. Line 175, Column 148: delimiter “‘” invalid: only S separators and TAGC allowed here.
  9. Line 175, Column 148: end tag for element “SCR” which is not open.
  10. Line 177, Column 200: NET-enabling start-tag requires SHORTTAG YES.
  11. Line 226, Column 150: delimiter “‘” invalid: only S separators and TAGC allowed here.
  12. Line 226, Column 150: end tag for element “SCR” which is not open.
  13. Line 228, Column 13: document type does not allow element “NOSCRIPT” here; missing one of “APPLET”, “OBJECT”, “MAP”, “IFRAME”, “BUTTON” start-tag.
  14. Line 228, Column 202: NET-enabling start-tag requires SHORTTAG YES.

With the load times, that makes 15. So… who’s got the “crappy” architecture again?


1 response so far ↓

  • 1 Forbairt // Feb 26, 2009 at 2:11 am

    Before someone points out the obvious here you should technically check the /blog and not the static front page. It still loads faster though 😛

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